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With a team of international relations and public diplomacy experts, Factum mobilizes Sri Lankan and Asian specialists on international and regional politics, economics, environmental, and security issues and other sectors, in pursuit of independent, in-depth, and unbiased analyses.

At present, Factum publishes one or two analyses every week. These are titled Factum Perspective. Gathering unique insights from both leading experts and youth, Factum Perspectives are published on NewsWire (in English), (in Sinhala), and in Virakesari and Vidiyal (in Tamil).

We are committed to accuracy. Our goal is objectivity. We value facts over rhetoric and want to take innate bias out of the international relations equation. To this end, we break down and present unadulterated facts on international relations, through traditional and digital media narratives, open-source records and insightful opinion pieces, in a way that will prove useful to academics, diplomats, students and others.

Factum provides a platform for scholars and international relations practitioners to voice their opinions and share their expertise. The diverse viewpoints we publish and the academic discussions we facilitate and cover the gamut of geopolitics. Our intention here is to present complex theories and paradigms as simply as possible, bearing in mind that IR is not and should not be relegated to an elitist discipline.

In short, we strive to be the best and most accurate analysts of IR developments which impact Sri Lanka’s foreign policy and international standing.